Our family have a weekend house in Rhinebeck, Upstate New York so it was great to read that the good people of neighboring Hyde Park had rallied 'round the ovens - to bake 6,600 cookies for troops serving overseas. If only everyone else who bitches and complains about the war and Bush would show our heroes the same respect and love. Oh and yeah - doubtful that the cookies were like the ones pictured - I'm sure the guys out there would have liked these though ;)
The last great ship to be built in Scotland glided into New York City this morning for the very last time. After nearly 40 years of luxury transatlantic travel, she sailed under the Verrazano Narrows Bridge at dawn. For her 710th visit she was joined by Cunard's latest flagship, the four-year-old Queen Mary 2, a 39-foot-long red pennant streamed from her mast — a foot for each year at sea, traditionally marking the end of a ship’s commission. By afternoon, she was due to depart for a final Atlantic crossing back to her home port, Southampton, England, before sailing in November to a final resting place in Dubai. I feel really sad. I grew up dreaming of stepping a foot on that boat and sailing off Titanic style to the land of freedom. She was an awesome ship, the greatest in the world. Lets just hope she doesn't come to the same grizzly end as her predecessor - who was initially sold to be used as a hotel in Port Everglades, Fla., but when the project foundered financially the ship was resold to a Hong Kong tycoon, who planned to use it as a floating university. During conversion work, the ship caught fire, perhaps from arson; and capsized in Hong Kong harbor. Tres tragique!
You have got to be kidding me. Who the hell does he think he is. How can he possibly think it is fair to take money from hard working people who went to college, who worked night and day to get where they are - and give it to people who never bothered "trying". Most of whom didn't study, they didn't sacrifice, they didn't bother getting off their fat asses long enough to make something of themselves and yet he wants to give them our money - to "spread the wealth around". He really is the village idiot. To all the big wig Liberals who support this clown - it's OK don't worry about it - in December when you can't make your mortgage payment, at least Billy-Ken-Bob will be able to afford that new wifebeater.
I'm back. Whoa! Did not realize it had been so long since I last wrote. Time flies - and all that jazz. I've been working like a mad woman, started running again, watching my babies grow, thinking of new ideas for the boutique, been at Red Hook every weekend (only 2 to go!) getting irate over the elections, the bailout, politics in general... Oh and we went to Disney World for a week which was wonderful. Seeing the children's faces full of light and excitement is truly magical and worth bearing the never ending happiness of the place. Not long until Halloween! Yay :)