A Highland cow called Floss escaped from a field and went on the run in the countryside for nine months. The four-year-old is believed to have escaped to go looking for her calf, from whom she was separated after being sold at market. During this time she became the ultimate free range farm animal, travelling more than 60 miles and living off the land. As news of her adventures travelled she became known as the Beast of Ealand, after the area in Lincolnshire where she made her lair. She would emerge at night to feed under the cover of darkness and craftily slip away before sunrise. Floss's incredible journey concluded on Friday when she was caught and transported 150 miles to Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norfolk, where she will be able to spend the rest of her natural life ruminating on her wild young days.
Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary my love
My Father suffers from Parkinson's Disease - and suffers is too weak of a word to describe his pain. I always wonder why more research hasn't been done to find a drug that would properly control his symptoms. As much as I have doubts with Obama on most fronts I am happy that the ban is now lifted on stem cell research. A little hope for sufferers comes in the form of Google's co-founder Sergey Brin. He is to fund a genetic study of Parkinson's after discovering he is at risk of developing the disease. He will spend millions of dollars on research to analyse the DNA of 10,000 Parkinson's sufferers to discover what genetic and lifestyle factors lead to the disease. Brin revealed last September that he had a genetic mutation that sharply raised his risk for developing Parkinson's. His mother, Eugenia Brin, already has the disease.
This is crazy, funny, a little scary but totally cool all the same haha... Federal authorities are investigating a New York man's claim that he successfully shipped himself in a crate to Las Vegas via the United Parcel Service. A spokesman for UPS says the company believes Wade Whitcomb's claim is a hoax. The Transportation Security Administration and the FBI are investigating Whitcomb's claim. Whitcomb is a professional magician from North Syracuse who says he shipped himself to Las Vegas in November as a publicity stunt to promote a friend's new Web site. Whitcomb says he traveled in a custom-made crate and videotaped the trip with four cameras pointed out of the crate and another inside. I look forward to seeing if this turns out to be real.. think of the possibilities - and the money you'd save on air fares!
I got back from Scotland yesterday afternoon. It was a wonderful trip. I managed to see all my brothers, most of my Aunts and Uncles, my Mother and Father and my beloved Grandmother. I got a shock to see my almost teenage daughter has grown to almost 5' 5".. My trip didn't get off to a great start - we landed to be told that a Continental plane had come down, it took off from the same airport as us and at the same time. Pretty much sending my fear of flying hurtling at a million miles an hour for the rest of the trip. Luckily our flight home was very smooth, so I may venture back on a plane again! The weather there just now is in the 50s, and was a big change from the sub zero temps here. Although it did feel a bit weird to have Spring including lambs and chicks around in February. Good job I came back to a foot of snow and real winter :) Can't believe it's March already. My baby celebrates her first Birthday on the 7th and it's our 5th wedding anniversary on the 12th. It'll soon be Easter. My fear of flying means every time I land safely I feel like I've been given a second chance at life. So I've promised my husband I'll stop disagreeing with him so much and bought big black garbage bags to finally clear this house out. It's a bit like New Year - but without the hangover :)
194 pilot whales and half a dozen bottlenose dolphins became stranded on Naracoopa Beach on Tasmania state's King Island on Sunday evening. Rescuers used jet skis and human muscle to save dozens of whales and dolphins stranded on the beach in southern Australia. It was not clear why the animals had beached on the island, halfway between Tasmania and mainland Australia. The Examiner, a Tasmanian newspaper, reported that the animals were caught by a very low tide.