book worm
It rained so hard yesterday my walls leaked.. not pretty. The air today was still muggy though - go figure. I'm longing for clean, crisp Autumn, and it's only mid-July. I've had a lot of positive response in my search for motorbike pics for the book. Out of over a hundred, only one or two were looking for "what's in it for them". I guess I was naive to believe everybody who owns a bike wants nothing more than to see their pride and joy in print, for all the world to marvel! It's my idealistic world, and I'll live in it if I want ;) Maybe if those type of people actually look into the amount of time and work it takes to create a photograph book and also the amount of money one has to pay to have it published, they would go back under their rock long enough not to spoil this idea for others. Rant over. I caught 2 kittens in my garden this week, in one of those things trappers use - guess it's true you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl... (oh and I took them to the shelter.. just realized that trapping them sounded kind of bad hah)
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