those baby blues
Italian author Cesare Pavese famously said "We do not remember days, we remember moments." I find this to be the case more so now I have children than ever before. Those Mothers who write their babies every move in baby books so the exact date Junior first spat out peas are beyond me. I cherish the simple things. Just now it's the way Liliana looks at me when I'm feeding her. Her small bird like eyes bright and alive darting from my left to right eyes, never breaking her glances until she falls asleep in a milk-drunken stupor. I love the way her skin is so soft like silk, I can't stop kissing her chubby cheeks. And I love how looking at her brings back the moments from the other children's early life. There are so many similarities in the way she looks at me, her big nose, her fluffy chicken hair. I'm in a good place right now albeit a very sleepy one!
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