Fuck Joe Schmuck
One of my children's favorite books is Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?... took on a whole new meaning for me after reading the news today :( I read the Anchorage Daily News every day. Yes I know I live in NYC, but Alaska is the only other place I'd live, truth be told. Anyway, it saddened me to read this story, so I thought I'd share because hey if I feel doom and gloom why should you not feel it too?! State wildlife officials had to euthanize a wounded sow grizzly and her three cubs on the Kenai Peninsula. An Anchorage fisherman was hiking to a fishing spot about 150 yards downstream when he saw the bear. He said it charged him from about eight feet away. He shot two to three times in her face and gut with a .44 magnum. The sow with three small cubs did not die. Wildlife officials were called in and tracked the trail of blood and after finding her gravely injured, decided killing her was the best thing to do. The 3 small cubs, born this year, were too young to make it on their own, so the decision was made to kill the cubs too. (Mental note - when I have money to burn I will open a bear orphanage). Now don't get me wrong, I'm not going all Timothy Treadwell on you - but what the hell did City Joe Schmuck think he was going to come across 150 yards off track in bear country. And hey if you're carrying a .44 magnum at least know how the hell to shoot. Many of the comments said the same, or worse. A sad day for Grizzly Adams.
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