Friday, January 30, 2009

Hero in a box

Saw this in the Mail and wanted to share as it brought me joy to read such a lovely story.

"Gabriel Hurles' celebrated his sixth birthday by unwrapping the best present ever - his father home on leave from Iraq. The youngster was so engrossed in the cupcakes his mother brought to his class yesterday that he didn't notice the enormous wrapped box. The six-year-old peeled back the wrapping paper to find the surprise of his young life. 'It's my dad!' he announced joyfully to his classmates at Sutro Elementary School in Dayton, Nevada. 'Hi, Daddy!' Army mechanic Casey Hurles, 23, hadn't seen his son since he left in June. When he learned his leave would coincide with his son's birthday, he hatched a plan to hide out in the big box. After Hurles sat down and ate a cupcake with the birthday boy, teacher Dawn VanSickle presented him with a banner from the class that read, 'Welcome Home. Thank you for your service.' VanSickle told the Nevada Appeal she was happy to arrange the reunion in her classroom. 'One of the first things (Gabriel) shared about himself was that his dad was in Iraq and that he was waiting for his dad to come home,' she said. 'He talks about his dad all the time.' Hurles, who joined the Army four years ago, is a mechanic in the 1st Cavalry Division stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. He completed one tour in Iraq and is seven months into his second tour. Gabriel said he looks forward to playing with his dad over the next two weeks but understands why he has to leave again. 'He has to work," Gabriel said. "He works in the war.'

Bless him and God bless his Dad too and keep him safe - I can't imagine the pain he goes through being separated from his child for such long periods of time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

some warmth on a cold January day

Had to share these two lovely stories - they really warmed my heart :) Affectionately known as Jack Frost, the little lamb, who was abandoned at birth, farmers think due to being born very early on January 1, thinks nothing of wearing an extra woolly layer. The tiny knitted garment, meant for a human baby, fits perfectly and Jack likes nothing more than snuggling up in it during the freezing weather. He is soo cute.

Staff at Besancon Zoo in eastern France have named this newly born Madagascar lemur as Tahina - she is one of only 17 Propithecus coronatus lemurs living in captivity worldwide, and is being cared for by vets, who must feed her around the clock with a tiny syringe filled with a mixture of cat and baby milk. Tahina has also been given a cuddly teddy bear that she can clutch to like she would in the wild with her real mother. Awwww!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As everyone around me knows - I am as conservative as they come. Some also know that my Dads cousin was the leader of the party in the UK. I was the laughing stock of the ODPM because of that, as I worked there during Blair's rule - but the less said about that the better really! So... I am by NO means jumping on the Obama train just yet. Also, I am Scottish, born and raised so I can hardly say I am a patriot ... However, I felt proud to be an American resident when reading the following - it's an excerpt from one of my favorite journo's Richard Littlejohn:

"For now, we should all wish him well, whatever our political stripe. Gordon Brown likes to protest that the financial meltdown began in America, to cover his own culpability. But, one thing’s for sure, recovery can only begin in America.

Yesterday was a day to admire. Two million people turned out in Washington at the conclusion of a gruelling, open, red-blooded two-year exercise in democracy which saw a black man make history.

It was inspiring, particularly when contrasted with the grubby stitch-up which brought Gordon Brown to office and the contemptible resurrection of the unelected ‘Lord’ Mandelson as his effective deputy.

It reminded us that for all its faults, the United States of America remains the world’s last best hope.

Immaculate, no. Impressive, undoubtedly."

Friday, January 16, 2009

Plane sailing?

We salute you Chesley "Sully'' Sullenberger III. A heroic act indeed. By taking a big chance and ditching in the icy frigid waters of the Hudson, you saved so many. When I read you walked the plane twice to make sure all were out, my heart grew bigger. I'd be happy to have you fly my plane any day, and this from a fearful flyer like myself! Sullenberger, 57, of Danville, Calif., is a former Air Force fighter pilot who has flown for US Airways for 29 years.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I have just about recovered from last nights festivities to be able to focus on the screen for long enough to write that I hope everyone has a happy and prosperous New Year. Now that the holidays are last weeks news, I look forward to getting on with enjoying Winter and all it brings. This past year brought good and bad into my life. The especially good thing of course was my darling blond baby duckling who at 9 months old now gives me reasons to smile constantly all day long. I'm hoping financially we all have a better year in 2009, and that I'm able to get over to Scotland to see my family in the next few months. I wish good health and happy days to all my family and friends.