Where the hell's the rain? Bring it on, and with it bring Fall. Who wants to be in NYC in August - not I. I hate not being able to breathe when I walk out of my AC-ed home. It's not the heat I can't take it's the damned humidity. I was in Alaska this time 3 years ago, it was warm but crisp, the air was clear. Oh how I wish I was there now! Speaking of the North - I got my Malamute puppy on Wednesday, havn't slept since! She howls all night, it's like sleeping amongst a pack of wolves, but without the danger. Sort of. News on a personal front - I'm expecting my 4th child in March. Easy way of announcing to all my friends, who I constantly spam to read this thing. My Pin-up shoot is 3 weeks tomorrow - I'm going to have to use and extra strong corset to keep bubba in check ;-)
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